
                        Director J. Stanhope            Chairperson

                        Director H. Kreiberg            Electoral Area A

                        Director G. Lund            Electoral Area B

                        Director E. Hamilton            Electoral Area C


                        Director B. Jepson            Electoral Area D

                        Director P. Bibby            Electoral Area E


                        Director I. Neden            Electoral Area F

                        Director D. Bartram            Electoral Area H

                        Director R. Longmuir            City of Parksville


                        Director A. Kruyt            Town of Qualicum Beach


                        Director B. Dempsey            District of Lantzville

                        Director L. Sherry            City of Nanaimo

                        Director R. Cantelon            City of Nanaimo

                        Director L. McNabb            City of Nanaimo

                        Director G. Korpan            City of Nanaimo


                        Director J. Manhas            City of Nanaimo

                        Director B. Holdom            City of Nanaimo


Also in Attendance:


                        K. Daniels            Chief Administrative Officer

                        B. Lapham            General Manager of Development Services

                        N. Connelly            General Manager of Community Services

                        J. Finnie            General Manager of Environmental Services

                        N. Avery            Manager of Financial Services

                        N. Tonn            Recording Secretary





John Olsen, re Electoral Area ‘F’ Zoning & Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285 – ‘Finetuning Project’.


Mr. Olsen expressed his concern with aspects of the Electoral Area ‘F’ Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285 Finetuning Project and asked the Board to extend the existing RDN deadline and that the Board direct staff to do a full investigation into the financial impact to residents of proposed changes and the number of properties with existing multiple dwellings on their property which would be affected by these changes.


MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Kruyt that the delegation be received.


MOVED Director Cantelon, SECONDED Director Holdom, that Mr. Haskell be permitted to address the Committee.


Syd Haskell, Carmanah Forestry Society, re Cathedral Grove.


Mr. Haskell addressed the need for public process which would allow an opportunity for public to comment on the Provincial Government’s proposed plans for modifications to McMillan Park and Cathedral Grove.




Capt. David Marshall & Gary Leitch, BC Ferries, re Going Forward With Stability.


Mr. Marshall and Mr. Leitch were not in attendance.




MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the minutes of the special Committee of the Whole meeting held February 17, 2004 and the minutes of the regular Committee of the Whole meeting held February 24, 2004 be adopted.




Community Water & Sewer Service Provision: Environmental or Public Health Reasons.


MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Sherry,:


1.         That the March 10, 2004 report “Community Water and Community Sewer Service Provision: Environmental or Public Health Threats” be received.


2.         That the approach for decision making about the provision of community water service and or community sewer service to land designated by the Regional Growth Strategy as Resource Lands and Open Space and Rural Residential for environmental or public health reasons under Policy 7B of the Regional Growth Strategy be approved as presented in Attachment 1 to the report.




Skateboard Park Proposal – Area A.


MOVED Director Kreiberg, SECONDED Director Bartram, that School District No. 68 be requested to provide an area of the Cedar Community Secondary School grounds through a long-term lease or other form of agreement with the Regional District for the development of a skate park facility by the Cedar Skate Park Association.






Committee & Board Meeting Schedule.


MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Longmuir, that “Board Procedure Bylaw No. 1268, 2002” be amended to incorporate the fourth Tuesday of each month (for the months from January to November) as the regular meeting date for Board meetings, and that the second Tuesday in December be defined as the regular Board meeting date for the month of December.


Yellowpoint-Waterloo Fire Protection Specified Area – Control of Fires During Fire Season Bylaw No. 1381.


MOVED Director Kreiberg, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that “Yellowpoint-Waterloo Fire Protection Specified Area – Control of Fires During Fire Season Bylaw No. 1381, 2004” be introduced for three readings and proceed to be advertised as outlined in the staff report.




Annual Report of Directors’ & Committee Members’ Remuneration and Expenses.


MOVED Director Bartram, SECONDED Director Longmuir, that the 2003 report on remuneration and expenses for Board and Committee members be received.


2003 Audited Financial Statements.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Kruyt, that the report on the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2003 be received.



Reserve Fund Bylaws – Administration Computer Equipment Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1376 and Fairwinds Water LSA Reserve Fund Expenditure (Well #3) Bylaw No. 1378.


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Holdom,:


1.         That “Administration Computer Equipment (2003) Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1376, 2004” be introduced for first three readings.


2.         That “Administration Computer Equipment (2003) Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1376, 2004” having received three readings be adopted.


3.         That “Fairwinds Water Local Service Area Reserve Fund Expenditure (Well #3) Bylaw No. 1378, 2004” be introduced for first three readings.


4.         That “Fairwinds Water Local Service Area Reserve Fund Expenditure (Well #3) Bylaw No. 1378, 2004” having received three readings be adopted.




2003 Audited Financial Statements.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Longmuir, that the report on the 2003 audited financial statements of the Nanaimo Regional Hospital District be received.






Section 57 – Community Charter – Contravention of Building Bylaw Report.


The Chairperson listed each filing and asked that any property owner in the audience wishing to address the Committee come forward when their name was called.


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Kreiberg, that a notice be filed against the titles of the properties listed, pursuant to Section 57 of the Community Charter and that if the infractions are not rectified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:


(a)               Lot 2, Section 16, Range 3, Plan VIS5292 together with an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the Strata Lot as shown on Form V, Mountain Land District, 3103 West Road, Electoral Area ‘D’, owned by C. and D. Saywell;

(b)               Lot 2, Section 15, Range 3, Plan VIP73721, Mountain Land District, 3311 Westview Acres Road, Electoral Area ‘D’, owned by R. and T. Milner;

(c)               Lot 13, District Lot 6, Plan 23588, Nanoose Land District, 2360 McDivitt Drive, Electoral Area ‘E’, owned by S. Rowe;

(d)               Lot 21, District Lot 78, Plan VIP68559, Nanoose Land District, 2480 Andover Road, Electoral Area ‘E’, owned by L. and R. Yip;

(e)               Lot 33, District Lot 116, Plan 27229, Nanoose Land District, 1060 Symons Crescent, Electoral Area ‘G’, owned by E. Williamson and B. Olson.




Structure Removal Repeal Bylaw No. 1382 – Illegal Construction – Scott Kilner Littlewood – 2406 Nanoose Beach Road – Area E.


MOVED Director Bibby, SECONDED Director Hamilton,:


1.         That “Regional District of Nanaimo Structure Removal Repeal Bylaw No. 1382, 2004” be introduced for first three readings.


2.         That “Regional District of Nanaimo Structure Removal Repeal Bylaw No. 1382, 2004” having received three readings, be adopted.


Designation of Animal Control Officer – District 68.


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Longmuir, that the Board designate, by resolution, Dale Rusch, Nanaimo Animal Shelter, as a Bylaw Enforcement Officer for the specific purpose of enforcing Regional District of Nanaimo Animal Control and Licensing Bylaws.


Animal Control Contracts – District 68 & 69.


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the contracts for animal control services with Parksville-Qualicum SPCA and Nanaimo Animal Shelter Ltd. be renewed for the term of March 1, 2004 to February 28, 2007 with an increase in contract service fees of 2% per annum.



Noise Control Establishing Bylaw No. 1374 and Regulatory Bylaw No. 1375 – Portion of Electoral Area H.


The General Manager of Development Services noted the following amendments to the staff report:


1.      The number of electors for purposes of the alternative elector approval process, is established at 1,525.

2.      For this proposed noise bylaw, given that the service area is a portion of Electoral Area ‘H’, 10% of the electors is established at 153.

3.      The property tax rate has been established at 0.0202 cents per 1,000 of assessed value when applied to the net taxable value of land and improvements to raise the funds required for the establishment of the proposed noise bylaws.


MOVED Director Bartram, SECONDED Director Holdom,:


1.         That “Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘H’ Noise Control Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1266, 2002” and “Regional District of Nanaimo Noise Control Regulatory Bylaw No. 1267, 2002” be abandoned.


2.         That the number of electors for the purpose of the alternative approval process be established at 1,525 and that the electoral response form attached to the staff report be approved.


3.         That “Regional District of Nanaimo Portion of Electoral Area ‘H’ Noise Control Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1374, 2004” be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.


4.         That “Regional District of Nanaimo Portion of Electoral Area ‘H’ Noise Control Regulatory Bylaw No. 1375, 2004” be introduced, read three times and advertised to provide notice of the Board’s intent to adopt this bylaw.




Implications of Changes to Land Title Act & Water Act.


As follow-up to the November 10, 2003 UBCB circular, clarification on the following amendments to the Land Title Act and Water Act were provided for Board information.


Land Title Act Amendments


Section 10 is being amended to clarify that applications for Crown Land disposition can be refused if the application is not complete, the area is under reserve, or if the land is withdrawn from disposition by the Minister.


Section 75 is being amended to clarify that as part of a subdivision the Approving Officer can require off site works where adjoining lands are impacted.


Water Act Amendments


The Water Act is being amended to clarify the rights and obligations a license holder may have (possibly through a charge on title or other disclosure) prior to the disposition of affected crown land.


The Water Act is being amended to allow the Province to require a license applicant (possibly by agreement or with other security) to use care and provide compensation if required for any damage the applicant may cause when working in or around a stream.


The Water Act is also being amended to allow regulations to be established by the Province that would require other planning processes (presumably Provincial) to either consider or be consist with a Water Management Plan.  These regulations could also make the Water Management Plan prevail over other planning processes except the Drinking Water Protection Plan Act.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Longmuir, that the report be received for information.



Animal Control, Planning & Land Use Management Contract Services Agreement – District of Lantzville.


MOVED Director Dempsey, SECONDED Director Jepson, that the proposed Service Agreements between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the District of Lantzville for Animal Control Services and Planning and Land Use Management Services be approved.






French Creek Pollution Control Centre Biosolids Contract Extension.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Longmuir, that the Meadowlark Construction contract for composting and hauling biosolids from the French Creek Pollution Control Centre for $48.00 per tonne be extended for an additional year.




Residual Solid Waste Disposal Options Status Report.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the status report on residual solid waste disposal be received for information.




Arrowsmith Water Service Joint Venture Agreement.


MOVED Director Kruyt, SECONDED Director Bibby, that the Regional District of Nanaimo enter into an amended Joint Venture Agreement to continue the Arrowsmith Water Service Joint Venture established on July 10, 1996 on the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement dated for reference as April 1, 2004 (as attached to the staff report).




Regional Growth Monitoring Advisory Committee/State of Sustainability Project.


MOVED Director Holdom, SECONDED Director Bartram, that the minutes of the Regional Growth Monitoring Advisory Committee/State of Sustainability Project meetings held February 19, 2004 and February 26, 2004 be received for information.


Intergovernmental Advisory Committee.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Bibby, that the minutes of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee meetings held February 17, 2004 and March 9, 2004 be received for information.




Electoral Area ‘F’ Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285 – ‘Finetuning Project’.


MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Bartram, that staff be directed to bring forward a report on the proposed ALC application requirement for properties in the ALR in Area ‘F’ which presently have two dwellings on their property and that any actions be held in abeyance until the report has been reviewed by the Board.


Cathedral Grove.

MOVED Director Holdom, SECONDED Director Cantelon, that a letter be sent to Bill Barisoff, Minister of Water, Lands and Air Protection, requesting a full and meaningful public presentation and process on the Cathedral Grove Plan and to provide the District with a copy of the proposed visitor parking plan as well as any other changes for the park.



Water and Wastewater Technologies.

MOVED Director Bartram, SECONDED Director Holdom, that staff prepare a report and recommendation for the Board on innovative water and wastewater technologies and techniques that have been, or may be in use to include rainwater cistern system, water conservation to reduce demands on water systems or distribution systems, and water reuse and recycling in residential, commercial and industrial applications that may have application in future development in the Regional District of Nanaimo.


Liability Insurance.

MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Jepson, that staff provide a report with respect to liability insurance needs regarding specific functions, including the process and cost breakdown which would identify whether the Regional District as a whole or the specific area member would be responsible for the function insurance costs.



MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Neden, that pursuant to Section 242.2(1)(c) and (h) of the Local Government Act the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to consider a personnel matter and a legal matter.



MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Neden, that this meeting adjourn to allow for an In Camera meeting.


TIME:   8:10 PM


RISE & REPORT (from the In Camera Meeting)

Landfill Site Liaison Committee Appointments.


MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Bibby, that the Board appoint Jim Young, Sheri Young, Ray McGuire, Doug Lum, Gary Franssen, Al Leuschen and a to be determined representative from the Snuneymuxw First Nation to the Landfill Site Liaison Committee.




MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Neden, that this meeting terminate.


TIME:  8:38 PM